M.A. or Ph.D. in
Phenomenology of Religion:
Interdisciplinary Study of Meister Eckhart
(With a Minor in the "Later" Heidegger & Theology)
American University of Prague
Prague Humanities Institute
All Classes in English
Meister Eckhart: 36 credit hrs.
Phil. 500. The Basic Writings of Meister Eckhart
Phil. 520. Meister Eckhart: Mystic & Philosopher
Phil. 530. The Darkness of God: Negativity in Christian Mysticism
Phil. 540. Meister Eckhart's Sermons, Writings, & Teachings
Phil. 550. The Treatises & Commentaries of Meister Eckhart
Phil. 560. Meister Eckhart's Parisian Questions & Prologues
Phil. 570. The Classics of Western Spirituality
21 Credit hrs.
With a Minor in the "Later" Heidegger & Theology:
Phil. 500. From Heidegger's "Being and Time" to the "Letter on Humanism"
Phil. 510. Meister Eckhart and the "Later" Heidegger
Phil. 520. Heidegger and Plato's Doctrine of Truth
Phil. 530. What is Metaphysics?
Phil. 540. The "Later" Heidegger and Theology
Phil. 550. From the Essence of Truth to the Task of Thinking in Heidegger
Phil. 560. Heidegger on the Divine
21 Credit hrs.
Thesis Work | (6 Credit hrs.) |
Total: 48 Credit hrs.