M.A. and Ph.D. in
Martin Buber and Dialogical Phenomenology:
(With a Minor in Existential Phenomenology)
American University of Prague
Prague Humanities Institute
All Classes in English
Buber Studies 36 credit hrs.
Phil. 610. The Writings of Martin Buber
Phil. 621. I and Thou
Phil. 631. Martin Buber and the Life of Dialogue
Phil. 641. On Judaism
Phil. 651. Between Man and Man
Phil. 661. The Prophetic Faith
Phil. 671. Two Types of Faith: The Interpretation of Judaism and Christianity
21 Credit hrs.
With A Minor in Existential Phenomenology:
Phil. 607. Husserl
Phil. 614. Heidegger
Phil. 580. Sartre
Phil. 621. Hegel
Phil. 631. Schutz
Phil. 641. Jaspers
Phil. 651. Merleau-Ponty
21 Credit hours.
Thesis Work: | (6 Credit hrs.) |
Total: 48 Credit hrs.