M.A. or Ph.D. in
Post-Phenomenological Perspectives:
The Interdisciplinary Study of Don Ihde

(With a Minor in Existential Phenomenology)

Don Ihde.

American University of Prague

Prague Humanities Institute
All Classes in English

Ihde Studies:                                                         36 credit hrs.

Phil. 1500. Listening and Voice: Phenomenologies of Sound
Phil. 1510. Sense and Signification
Phil. 1520. Experimental Phenomenology: An Introduction
Phil. 1530. Interdisiplinary Phenomenology
Phil. 1540. Dialogues in Phenomenology
Phil. 1550. Post-Phenomenology: Essays in the Postmodern Context
Phil. 1570. Existential Technics
Phil. 1580. Expanding Hermeneutics:Visualism in Science
Phil. 1590. Philosophy of Technology: An Introduction
Phil. 1600. Descriptions
Phil. 1610. Phenomenology and Existentialism

15 Credit hrs.

With A Minor in Existential Phenomenology:

Phil. 607. Existence and Love: A New Approach in Existential Phenomenology
Phil. 614. Heidegger
Phil. 580. Sartre
Phil. 621. Jaspers
Phil. 631. Buber
Phil. 641. Nietzsche
Phil. 651. Hegel
Phil. 662. Merleau-Ponty
Phil. 672. Phenomenology in Psychology and Psychiatry

15 Credit hours.

Thesis Work:

(6 Credit hrs.)

Total: 42 Credit hrs.

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