M.A. or Ph.D.
Philosophical Theology:
Interdisciplinary Study of Rudolf Otto

(With a Minor in C.G. Jung and Analytic Psychology)

Rudolf Otto.

American University of Prague

Prague Humanities Institute
All Classes in English

Otto Studies:                                                36 credit hrs.

Phil. 500. Mysticism East and West
Phil. 510. India's Religion of Grace and Christianity Compared & Contrasted
Phil. 520. The Idea of the Holy / Religious Essays a Supplement to the Idea of the Holy
Phil. 530. The Original Gita: Song of the Supreme Exalted One
Phil. 540. The Kingdom of God and Son of Man
Phil. 550. The Life and Ministry of Jesus
Phil. 560. Christianity & the Indian Religion of Grace

With a Minor in C.G. Jung and Analytic Psychology

Psy. 510. The Psychology of the East
Psy. 525. Jung on Christianity
Psy. 540. Archetypes, Dreams, and Symbols in C. G. Jung
Psy. 555. Jung on Mythology
Psy. 570. Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self
Psy. 585. Jung on Death and Immortality
Psy. 600. Psychology of Religion & Mandalas (East-West)

Total: 21 Credit hours.

Thesis Work

6 Credit hrs

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