M.A. or Ph.D. in
Jungian Psychology:
Interdisciplinary Study of Joseph Campbell
(With a Minor in Post-Jungian Archetypal Mythology)
American University of Prague
Prague Humanities Institute
All Classes in English
Jungian Psychology: 36 credit hrs.
Psy. 1810. Two Essays on Analytic Psychology (Vol. 7. CW)
Psy. 1820. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (Vol. 9. I, CW)
Psy. 1830. Aion: Research into the Phenomenology of the Self (Vol. 9. II, CW)
Psy. 1840. Psychology of Religion: East and West (Vol 11. CW)
Psy. 1850. The Symbolic Life (Vol. 18. CW)
Psy. 1860. Mysterium Coniunctionis (Vol. 14. CW)
Psy. 1870. Civilization in Transition (Vol. 10. CW)
Psy. 1880. Psychology of Religion & Mandala (East-West)
Psy. 1890. Memories, Dreams, Reflections
15 Credit hrs. (selected works)
Campbell Studies: With a Minor in Archetypal Mythology
Psy. 3470. Creative Mythologies Vol. I. (The Masks of God)
Psy. 3480. Oriental Mythology Vol. II. (The Masks of God)
Psy. 3490. Occidental Mythology Vol. III. (The Masks of God)
Psy. 3500. Creative Mythology Vol. IV. (The Masks of God)
Psy. 3510 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Psy. 3520. The Heros Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work
Psy. 3530. The Way of the Animal Powers: Mythologies of the Hunters and Gathers, Pt. 1.
Psy. 3540. The Way of the Animal Powers: Mythologies of the Great Hunt, Pt. 2
Psy. 3550. Myths of Light: Eastern Metaphors of the Eternal
Psy. 3560. Myths to Live By
Psy. 3570. Myths, Dreams, Religion: Eleven Visions of Connection
Psy. 3580. The Mythic Dimension: Selected Essays 1959-1987
Psy. 3590. The Mythic Image
Psy. 3600. Pathways to Bliss: Mythology and Personal Transformation
Psy. 3610. The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology
Psy. 3620. The Power of Myth
Psy. 3630. The Inner Reaches of Outer Space: Metaphor as Myth and as Religion
Psy. 3640. Flight of the Wild Gandar: Explorations in the Mythological Dimension
Psy. 3650. Transformations of Myth Through Time
Psy. 3660. As I was Among Captives: Joseph Campbell's Prison Diary, (1922-1923)
Psy 3670. Baksheesh and Brahman: Asian Journals in India.
Psy. 3680. Baksheesh and Brahman: Journey to the Suns Door
Psy. 3690. Baksheesh and Brahman: Indian Journal (1954-1955)
Psy. 3700. Erotic Irony: Myth Forms in the Art of Thomas Mann
Psy. 3710. Great Goddess
Psy. 3720. Heinrich Zimmer. The King and the Corpse. Tales of the Soul's Conquest of Evil
Psy. 3730. Man and Time: Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks, Vol. 1. Bollingen Series
Psy. 3740. Man and Time: Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks, Vol. 2. Bollingen Series
Psy. 3750. Man and Time: Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks, Vol. 3. Bollingen Series
Psy. 3760. Mysteries: Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks (Bollingen Series)
Psy. 3770. Living Myths
Psy. 3780. Mythic Imagination
Psy. 3790. Mythos: The Shaping of Our Mythic Tradition
Psy. 3800. Mythologically Speaking
Psy. 3810. Mythos: The Shaping of the Eastern Tradition
Psy. 3820. Pagan and Christian Mysteries. Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks. Vol. 1.
Psy. 3830. Pagan and Christian Mysteries. Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks. Vol. 2.
Psy. 3840. Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks (6 Vols.)
Psy. 3850. Spirit and Nature: Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks
Psy. 3860. Spiritual Disciples: Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks
Psy. 3870. Sukhavati: Place of Bliss
Psy. 3880. The Gilly of Christ
Psy. 3890. Mystic Vision: Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks (Bollingen Series)
Psy. 3900. The Universal Myths: Heros, Gods, Tricksters and Others
Psy. 3910. Western Religions.
15 Credit hrs. (selected works)
Thesis Work: | (6 Credit hrs.) |
Total: 36 Credit hrs.